Meet Dr. Doug
Dr. Douglas Barnard
Dr. Douglas Barnard (known by his patients as “Dr. Doug”) is a neurologically based Chiropractor, a passionate health advocate, and a stress specialist. He’s a Wisconsin native who found his way to the Columbia River Gorge in Washington state after many travels.
Dr. Doug was first introduced to chiropractic care in 1968, when he began to suffer from debilitating migraine headaches and relentless low back pain.
After a few months of routine chiropractic care, the headaches were completely gone and have not returned since. The low back pain required a few more months to resolve itself. Dr. Doug quickly realized the importance of consistent chiropractic care in order to maintain the progress he experienced. To this day, Dr. Doug receives weekly chiropractic adjustments.
Here, he discovered that he most enjoyed Psychiatric Nursing, which is working with patients who suffer from mental and emotional issues. He found great fulfillment in supporting patients on their journey to emotional well-being.
Through Psychiatric Nursing, Dr. Doug was exposed to a wide range of people, ideas, and techniques. His learning and exploration even brought him to Norway for some time, where he was able to help others and enjoy plenty of Nordic skiing.
One of his patients in Norway was a chiropractor who encouraged Dr. Doug to attend Chiropractic College. After contemplating the idea for a whole year, Dr. Doug finally moved back to the U.S. and enrolled in Life West College of Chiropractic in California.
After graduating from Life West in 1993, Dr. Doug then started a practice in the Columbia River Gorge in Washington. Dr. Doug places strong focus on assessing how the physical, chemical and emotional stress that we encounter every day affects our nervous system. He places great value on finding ways to work together to create a better quality of life through chiropractic care.
Dr. Doug has carefully selected a variety of therapies that he strongly believes offer optimal health benefits to his patients: Tonal Approach, brain-based chiropractic care, Rehabilitation KAATSU Strength and Conditioning training, nutrition and weight loss programs, and more. Together or alone, utilizing these therapies help achieve the highest level of wellness by releasing tension and stress, gently manipulating the mind and body back to a comfortable state, and promoting energy and better performance.
With Dr. Doug’s extensive experience in a myriad of chiropractic techniques and therapies, he shows true care in creating personalized holistic healing plans for his patients. He understands that “one size fits all” is not an acceptable approach regarding chiropractic care. Dr. Doug does not only aim to decrease his patients’ pain; however, he is passionate about ongoing results and recovery. He finds great joy in coming alongside his patients on their journey to physical, mental, and emotional health and wellness.